Aide aux Devoirs - Étude Surveillée - Soutien Scolaire - Cours individuels ou en petit groupe - Scolarité Complète - par visio, avec l’enseignant de votre choix - Pas de frais inscription - Pas de forfait imposé.
about guru

We’re on a mission to deliver engaging, curated courses at a reasonable price.

People love to learn with Guru

9/10 users reported better learning outcomes.
80% of students see their course through to completion.

“I found the course material to be highly engaging, and the intructors to be helpful and communicative.”

Annabelle Porter

Our Guiding Principles

Deliver courses that prioritize quality over quantity.

Focus on accessibility and make learning equal for all.

Create courses that deliver excellent value for money.

Celebrate inclusion with a diverse team of contributors.

“Learning on Fastway has made me a better person.”

Bella Ridley, Designer
9/10 users reported better 
learning outcomes.